Afric'An Sima,
The free app
that geolocates your Afros businesses
on 5 continents

Browse the shops and events of the Afro-descendant community.

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Afric'An Sima , The free application that geolocates your afro businesses on 5 continents Browse the shops and events of the Afro-descendant community.

Afric'An Sima: the application that offers you all the Afro offers in the same place.

Interactive map

Find all the shops and events on an interactive map. Thanks to geolocation, find what is around you, and go there thanks to GPS guidance.

List of businesses and Marketplace

The application provides the list of Afro-descendant businesses with a details page. The marketplace offers you direct sales of products from referenced businesses.


The application provides the list of Afros socio-cultural events with a details page.

Categories and filters

The shops are sorted by category which makes it easy to find your way around. But it is also possible to sort by name, by distance, and on the marketplace by price of items.


The application is available in five (5) languages ​​(French, English, German, Portuguese and Italian). Translations can still be added. Your suggestions are welcome.

Charity area

Discover the charity of the moment put forward by Afric'An Sima.

“What if everyone consumed effortlessly from Afro businesses?”

“What if everyone consumed effortlessly from Afro businesses?”

Afric'An Sima offers through its application a modern and practical way to search, find or locate on the world map, businesses and offers offered by Afro-descendants!

Quickly and easily find all the information and details concerning a business or an event using your favorite application.


Simple administration for
advertisers and marketers.

Afric'An Sima, how does it work?

To list your business, your service or your event on our directory application, you must complete the contact form in order to obtain the creation of a profile. You will then be offered to upgrade your free subscription in order to benefit from Afric'An Sima's maketing services and benefit from increased visibility. Once the profile has been created, you will be provided with access to the administration interface and you will be able to manage the information relating to your business, service or event directly from there.

Are you a merchant or an advertiser?

"Offer yourself immediate world-class visibility" If you are a merchant or an advertiser and your establishment or your event has its place on Afric'An Sima, do not wait any longer and register on our directory now to benefit from maximum visibility.

Afric'An Sima

Download now.

Download our free directory application now from the Play Store or the AppStore depending on your phone.

Google Play App Store
The application was opened in 101 countries in 2022